Our Mission

Engineers capable of producing tangible results and true innovation are difficult to source and hire. We provide affordable and state-of-the-art computer and electrical engineering insight for small to mid-sized businesses looking to improve their organization’s efficiency and value proposition.

Robotics & Industrial Automation

Allow us to bring your autonomous application to life. Our development pipeline prioritizes extensive testing and validation in simulation before progressing to hardware implementation to minimize development costs and maximize delivery on requirements. Anything from computer vision and trajectory synthesis with ROS1 and 2 development to Gazebo simulation environment creation is within reach. We have experience with both aerial and ground-based robotics.

Firmware & System Software

Low-level software development serves as a black box to many developers. With many device manufacturers nowadays being overseas, poor documentation and limited code samples are fairly commonplace. Leverage our experience with STM, Microchip, and others to quickly drive your product development. We also offer in-house higher-level software development from mobile application development to machine learning applications.

Electronic Hardware Design

As versatile as they may be, the Raspberry Pi and Arduino suites don’t always provide the hardware a custom solution requires. Developing a custom PCB can appear opaque and time consuming. That said, the robustness and simplicity a custom hardware solution can provide is unmatched. As such, we can help demystify the process and ensure success. Leaning heavily on SPICE simulations and extensive breadboarding we do our best to limit board iterations.


How we move

There are countless advantages to size: resources, economies of scale, etc. However, no matter how much they try, multinational corporations cannot move fast. We founded MATR to fully embrace the imagination, speed, maneuverability, and adaptability that being small allows for. We are both fast and fluid. Things happen, requirements change. Everything is taken in stride.


Why us?

When you hire MATR to solve your most pressing technological problems, you are investing in creativity and commitment. Being a small business, we understand how small businesses operate. Every investment is made with intent to succeed: every dollar counts. We build a personal relationship with you and attack your problems doggedly and efficiently. Every contract we win is critical to our survival.

Our leadership

Dedicated to quality and your success

Christian Sanchez
Software Lead
Konrad Rozanski
Hardware & Embedded Lead